Institut of Advanced Studies

The Institut of Advanced Studies para el Desarrollo –IAED-, a section of the San Carlos Diplomatic Academy, was founded in 1980 by way of an agreement entered into by the governments of Colombia and France.  Its purpose is to offer a graduate level formation in Social Sciences focusing on understanding the contemporary world and the challenges it poses for Latin America and Colombia. 
It primarily includes the support of the faculty of the Universidad Externado de Colombia, institution that grants the degree of “Master in Analysis of Political, Economic and International Contemporary Issues”.  On the other hand, the Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique latine of the Université Nouvelle Sorbonne – Paris III (IHEAL) participates in the supervision of the curricula, as well as in the teaching coordination, training of the faculty, and the selection of expert visitors.
The originality of the “Master’s Degree in Analysis of Political, Economic and International Contemporary Issues” is based on its multi-disciplinary nature, which helps build the proper judgment required for interpreting and analyzing the latest domestic and international realities and facilitates decision-making and the preparation of strategies in the aforesaid fields.  Hence, the diversity of the professional origin of the program’s students and the variety of activities carried out by the graduates. 
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