

The International Legal Affairs Office has the duty of ensuring the custody of all international instruments signed by the Republic of Colombia since its Independence.

The following is a list of international treaties and instruments and their contents:

I.    Treaties and other International Instruments - Republic of Colombia Acting as Depositary

II.   Extradition Treaties

III.  Free Trade Agreements

IV.   Treaties for the Protection of Foreign Investment

V.    Treaties for the avoidance of double taxation


Internal Work Group for Treaties

The Coordination of the Internal Work Group for Treaties is charged with providing advisory in the area of public international law to different offices in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the signing and completion of international instruments that the Colombian State is prepared to execute.

The Group duties include the following:

  • Formulating opinions or judgments in the framework of the negotiation, execution and denunciation of treaties when implementing foreign policy.
  • Processing  full powers.
  • Keeping an updated database on all treaties signed by Colombia.
  • Coordinating all bills related to treaties and providing advisory to the Ministry through their progress.
  • Participating in and issuing opinions and judgments on international negotiations.
  • Safekeeping international instruments signed by Colombia.
  • Acting as depositary in the treaties where Colombia has assumed such role.