
Associated Schools

With the objective of working in support of intercultural dialogue, peace, sustainable development and quality education, UNESCO created a program of Associated Schools called the Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) in 1953. Currently, the network includes more than 8,500 institutions ranging from pre-schools, primary, secondary and vocational schools to teacher training institutions.


The UNESCO Chairs were created in 1992 following the decision of this Organization to improve and achieve the development of research, training and knowledge through the construction of university networks. Their objective is to promote university cooperation through the exchange of global knowledge for the construction of better societies. Currently, the program includes 658 UNESCO Chairs and 65 UNITWIN Networks (University Training and Networking), in which 770 institutions from 127 countries participate. UNITWIN is the acronym for the worldwide network that operates for the inter-institutional support of some UNESCO Chairs.

At present, Colombia has nine UNESCO Chairs and two UNITWIN Networks.