The aim of this Plan is to provide alternatives and assistance for migrants to return to Colombia in immediate support, job insertion and enterprise training.

Inter-institutional Networks are formed through Migrant Service Offices in the territorial entities with most experience in international migration (Bogota and Antioquia, Nariño, North Santander, Risaralda, Quindio, Putumayo and Valle del Cauca Departments) in order to implement assistance strategies for the return of Colombians abroad.

Specific Objectives

  • Immediate assistance in a situation of vulnerability
  • Guidance for Job Insertion
  • Training in Enterprise and Business.

Immediate assistance in a situation of vulnerability. This is to help migrants who return home in a situation of vulnerability, for which there is psycho-social guidance to facilitate their insertion into Colombian society. Legal advice is also provided for nationals who need it. It is important to note that this assistance may include reception at the migrant control post (air or land).

  • Lack of knowledge or non-existence of family references. When Colombian nationals have to return home, have informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Migrant Assistance Offices previously of their lack of family contacts and they have proven that they have no resources, they will be received at the migratory control post and provided with the necessary assistance.
  • Health problems. In cases in which a Colombian national returns with an illness that requires medical attention, this will be provided through the Airport Health Service and, if necessary, care will be articulated with the respective Health Division in order to transfer the patient.
  • Deported persons. Usually, in a deportation process, Consulates inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, providing the migration authority of the country of destination has contacted the consulate; however, there are cases in which this is only made known when the Colombian arrives at the migrant control post, because Colombia Migration (Migración Colombia) informs the Ministry or the Migrant Assistance Offices of cases in which immediate assistance is required.

Guidance for work insertion. To help persons returning to find jobs, there is, in the first instance, the National Apprenticeship Service (SENA) through the National Job Service (SNE). In addition, there will be public and private organization who,  through alliances, offer vacancies which are, as far as possible, in line with the profiles of those returning. Before referring the beneficiaries, the work conditions of each allied entity will be verified.

Training in business ventures and management. For those who wish to create productive projects in alliance with the National Apprenticeship Service (SENA) will receive training in business ventures or in the different courses provided by it in order to gain access to Bancoldex Special Credit and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rotating Fund.

In addition, affiliation to the Return Home Plan of the Chambers of Commerce Social Development Divisions, the Family Welfare Funds and different financial intermediaries which are able to provide productive opportunities for Migrant entrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs.